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1   /*
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4    */
6   package com.rc.celeritas.db;
8   import com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException;
9   import com.rc.celeritas.exception.LessColumnInLookupSQLException;
10  import com.rc.celeritas.generics.PropertyHelper;
11  import com.rc.celeritas.i18n.ResourceHelper;
12  import com.rc.celeritas.query.Column;
13  import com.rc.celeritas.query.QueryHelper;
14  import java.sql.Statement;
15  import java.sql.Connection;
16  import java.sql.ResultSet;
17  import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.HashMap;
20  import java.util.ResourceBundle;
21  import java.util.TreeSet;
22  import javax.naming.InitialContext;
23  import javax.sql.DataSource;
24  import org.apache.commons.beanutils.RowSetDynaClass;
25  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
26  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
28  /**
29   *
30   * @author rchoudhary
31   */
32  public class DBHelper {
34      private static TreeSet<String> ds;
35      private static boolean initialized = false;
36      private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DBHelper.class);
37      private static DataSource dsn;
38      private static String dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy";
40      /**
41       * Return the date format set globally for the project
42       * @return
43       */
44      public static String getDateFormat() {
45          return dateFormat;
46      }
48      /**
49       * Return a single row from the sql with column name as key. If sql returns
50       * no row than the map is null.
51       * @param sql
52       * @return
53       * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
54       */
55      public static HashMap getRowMap(String sql) throws CeleritasException {
56          HashMap<String, String> row = null;
57          Connection conn = null;
58          try {
59              conn = getConnection();
60              Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
61              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
62              if(rs != null &&{
63                  row = new HashMap<String, String>();
64                  ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
65                  int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
66                  for(int i = 1 ; i <= columnCount; i++){
67                      String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(i);
68                      row.put(columnName, rs.getString(columnName));
69                  }
70              }
71          } catch (Exception e) {
72              log.error("Error in getting Row Map for sql : " + sql + "\n" + e.toString());
73              throw new CeleritasException(e);
74          } finally {
75              closeConnection(conn);
76          }
77          return row;
78      }
80      /**
81       * Set the dateFormat for the project
82       * @param dateFormat
83       */
84      private static void setDateFormat(String dateFormat) {
85          if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dateFormat)){
86              DBHelper.dateFormat = dateFormat;
87          }
88      }
90      /**
91       * Generate Lookup SQL
92       * @param sql
93       * @return
94       */
95      public static synchronized HashMap<String, String> generateLU(String sql) {
96          HashMap<String, String> lookups = null;
97          Connection conn = null;
98          try {
99              conn = getConnection();
100             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
101             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
102             if(rs != null){
103                 lookups = new HashMap<String, String>();
104                 while({
105                     String key = rs.getString(1);
106                     String val = null;
107                     if(rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() == 1){
108                         val = rs.getString(1);
109                     } else {
110                         val = rs.getString(2);
111                     }
112                     lookups.put(key, val);
113                 }
114             }
115         } catch (CeleritasException ce) {
116             log.error(ce.toString());
117         } catch (Exception e){
118             log.error("Error occurred in fetching LU data for sql : " + sql + "\n" + e.toString());
119         }finally {
120             closeConnection(conn);
121         }
122         return lookups;
123     }
125     /**
126      *
127      * @param seq
128      * @return
129      */
130     public static String generatePValFromSequence(String seq) {
131         //TO-DO write the code to generate pval from sequence.
133         return null;
134     }
136     /**
137      *
138      * @param sql
139      * @return
140      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
141      */
142     public static ArrayList getQueryResults(String sql) throws CeleritasException {
143         Connection conn = null;
144         ArrayList rows = null;
145         try {
146             conn = getConnection();
147             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
148             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
149             RowSetDynaClass rsdc = new RowSetDynaClass(rs);
150             rows = new ArrayList(rsdc.getRows());
151         } catch (Exception e) {
152             log.error("Error in generating Query Results for SQL : " + sql + "\n" + e.toString());
153         } finally {
154             closeConnection(conn);
155         }
156         return rows;
157     }
160     /**
161      *
162      * @return
163      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
164      */
165     public static boolean init() throws CeleritasException{
166         try {
167             boolean rhStatus = ResourceHelper.init();
168   "ResourceHelper Initialized " + rhStatus);
169             ResourceBundle dbprop = ResourceBundle.getBundle("celeritas-dbprop");
170             if(ds == null){
171                 ds = new TreeSet<String>();
172             }
173             String dsnames[] = dbprop.getString("ds_jndi").split(",");
174             if(dsnames == null || dsnames.length == 0){
175                 throw new Exception("No DataSource Defined in the dbprop file. \n Please define atleast one data source using ds_jndi");
176             }
178             InitialContext inctx = new InitialContext();
179   "Acquiring dsn for " + DBConstants.JNDI_PREFIX + dsnames[0]);
180             dsn = (DataSource)inctx.lookup(DBConstants.JNDI_PREFIX+dsnames[0]);
182             addDs(dsnames);
184             setDateFormat(dbprop.getString("date-format"));
186         } catch (Exception e) {
187             log.error("Error in Initializing DB Properties : " + e.toString());
188             throw new CeleritasException(e);
189         }
190         return initialized = true;
191     }
193     /**
194      *
195      * @param datasource
196      * @return
197      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
198      * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException
199      */
200     public static boolean addDs(String datasource) throws CeleritasException, ClassCastException{
201         if(ds!=null){
202             return ds.add(datasource);
203         } else {
204             return false;
205         }
206     }
208     /**
209      *
210      * @param datasources
211      * @return
212      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
213      * @throws java.lang.ClassCastException
214      */
215     public static boolean addDs(String []datasources) throws CeleritasException, ClassCastException{
216         if(datasources != null){
217             for(int i = 0;i< datasources.length; i++){
218                 addDs(datasources[i]);
219             }
220             return true;
221         }else{
222             return false;
223         }
224     }
226     /**
227      *
228      * @return
229      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
230      */
231     public static Connection getConnection() throws CeleritasException{
232         Connection conn = null;
233         if(dsn != null){
234             try {
235                 conn = dsn.getConnection();
236             } catch (Exception e) {
237                 log.error("Error in Getting DB Connection : " + e.toString());
238                 throw new CeleritasException(e);
239             }
240         }
241         return conn;
242     }
244     /**
245      *
246      * @param table
247      * @return
248      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
249      */
250     public static ArrayList<String> getColumnNames(String table) throws CeleritasException{
251         String sql = PropertyHelper.getDBValue("column.sql", "celeritas.database.type" ).replace("%1", table);
252         Connection conn = getConnection();
253         return GenericDAO.getSingleColumnList(conn, sql);
254     }
256     /**
257      * Return metadata about the columns in a table
258      * @param table
259      * @return
260      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
261      */
262     public static ArrayList<Column> getColumns(String table) throws CeleritasException {
263         ArrayList<Column> columns = null;
264         String sql = PropertyHelper.getDBValue("column.sql", "celeritas.database.type" ).replace("%1", table);
265         Connection conn = null;
266         try {
267             conn = getConnection();
268             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
269             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
270             if(rs != null){
271                 columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
272                 while({
273                     Column column = new Column();
274                     column.setColumnName(rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
275                     column.setColumnType(rs.getString("DATA_TYPE"));
276                     columns.add(column);
277                 }
278             }
279         } catch (Exception e) {
280             log.error("Error in fetching Column Data for Table : " + table + " with SQL : " + sql + "\n" + e.toString());
281         } finally {
282             closeConnection(conn);
283         }
284         return columns;
285     }
287     /**
288      * Return the names of the column for a sql statement
289      * @param sql
290      * @return
291      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
292      */
293     public static ArrayList<Column> getColumnsFromSQL(String sql) throws CeleritasException {
294         ArrayList<Column> columns = null;
295         Connection conn = null;
296         try {
297             conn = getConnection();
298             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
299             stmt.setMaxRows(1);
300             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
301             if(rs != null){
302                 columns = new ArrayList<Column>();
303                 for(int i=1;i<=rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();i++){
304                     Column column = new Column();
305                     column.setColumnName(rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(i));
306                     column.setColumnType(rs.getMetaData().getColumnTypeName(i));
307                     columns.add(column);
308                 }
309             }
310         } catch (Exception e) {
311             log.error("Error in fetching Column Data for Table : " + sql + "\n" + e.toString());
312             e.printStackTrace();
313         } finally {
314             closeConnection(conn);
315         }
316         return columns;
317     }
319     /**
320      *
321      * @param conn
322      */
323     public static void closeConnection(Connection conn) {
324         try{
325             if(conn != null && !conn.isClosed()){
326                 conn.close();
327                 conn = null;
328             }
329         }catch(Exception e){
330             //Please ignore;
331         }
332     }
334     /**
335      *
336      * @param insertSQL
337      * @param table
338      * @param pk
339      * @param pVal
340      * @return
341      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
342      */
343     public static HashMap<String, String> insert(String insertSQL, String table, String pk, String pVal) throws CeleritasException{
344         int rows = execute(insertSQL);
345 + " Inserted Succesfully");
346         HashMap<String, String> row = null;
347         if(rows > 0){
348             row = fetchRow(table, pk, pVal);
349         }
350         return row;
351     }
353     /**
354      * 
355      * @param sql
356      * @return
357      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
358      */
359     public static int execute(String sql) throws CeleritasException {
360         Connection conn = null;
361         int rows = -1;
362         try {
363             conn = getConnection();
364             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
365             rows = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
366         } catch (Exception e) {
367             log.error("Error in execute sql : " + sql + "\n" + e.toString());
368             throw new CeleritasException(e);
369         } finally {
370             closeConnection(conn);
371         }
372         return rows;
373     }
375     /**
376      *
377      * @param table
378      * @param pk
379      * @param pVal
380      * @return
381      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
382      */
383     public static HashMap<String, String> fetchRow(String table, String pk, String pVal) throws CeleritasException{
384         String sql = QueryHelper.buildQuerySQLWithPKey(table, pk, pVal);
385         return fetchRow(sql);
386     }
388     /**
389      *
390      * @param sql
391      * @return
392      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
393      */
394     public static HashMap<String, String> fetchRow(String sql) throws CeleritasException {
395         Connection conn = null;
396         HashMap<String, String> rowMap = null;
397         try {
398             conn = getConnection();
399             Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
400             ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
401             if(rs != null){
402                 int coulumnCount = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
403                 rowMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
404                 while({
405                     for(int i = 1;i <= coulumnCount; i++){
406                         String tempColumnName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i);
407                         rowMap.put(tempColumnName, rs.getString(tempColumnName));
408                     }
409                 }
410             }
411         } catch (Exception e) {
412             log.error("Error in Fetching Row SQL : " + sql);
413             throw new CeleritasException(e);
414         } finally {
415             closeConnection(conn);
416         }
417         return rowMap;
418     }
420     /**
421      *
422      * @param updateSQL
423      * @param table
424      * @param pk
425      * @param pVal
426      * @return
427      * @throws com.rc.celeritas.exception.CeleritasException
428      */
429     public static HashMap<String, String> update(String updateSQL, String table, String pk, String pVal) throws CeleritasException {
430         int rows = execute(updateSQL);
431         HashMap<String, String> row = null;
432         if(rows > 0){
433             row = fetchRow(table, pk, pVal);
434         }
435         return row;
436     }
437 }